24 Hours Nursing Care

Wheelchair or bed-bound seniors can expect attentive and tender loving care from our team, which provides:

Regular monitoring and supervision;

Medication administration;

Assistance with their daily activities or personal care.

Doctor Visit

Our wide array of doctor-visit services enables seniors to consult with doctors from the comfort of their own bed, including periodic medical check-ups and treatments for chronic medical conditions.


Physiotherapy sessions for seniors often involve tailored exercises and routines specifically designed to address their needs and abilities. These exercises are customized to enhance strength, flexibility, balance, and mobility while considering any existing health conditions or limitations the seniors may have.

Day care Services

Admission under this category would be for seniors who are either:

Fully or semi-ambulant (i.e., physically independent or may use walking aids);

Requiring none or minimal assistance and supervision in their daily activities;

Having poor vision, hearing difficulties, or overall weak muscle strength; and/or

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) or any Parkinsonism illness.

Wound Care

A skin tear is a break in the skin that can lead to “peeling back” of the skin. When this occurs in the elderly, often due to a fall, bump, or removal of an adhesive such as a bandage, it can be very serious; therefore, wound care in elderly patients is crucial to maintaining health and wellbeing.


Rehabilitation centers, food and nutrition services, and a multipurpose hall for recreational activities. Our nursing home is equipped with all necessary facilities and services to keep residents comfortable, happy, and healthy.

Rehabilitation centers are conveniently located within nursing homes. Operated by a team of allied health professionals. They plan a specialized rehabilitation program to aid in optimum recovery for our residents.


Occupational therapist

Speech therapist

Therapy assistants

Special Services

Walking Patients

Dementia Patients

Coma Patients

Disabled Patients

Stroke Patients

Short term stay

Caring for the elderly is never easy or simple. Often, it requires constant or periodic monitoring, which can be difficult, especially if you are working. A short business trip? You have to rely on sitters. A vacation where you cannot take your old and elderly? You are dependent on others. If the health deteriorates for a short period of time and needs recovery, You cannot stay nearby all the time. For these purposes, we offer a short-term stay option. In this, whatever your needs may be, your old and elderly can stay here for a short period of time, be it recovering from a certain ailment or for the sake of simple company so they don't feel lonely. We provide the best care available for their specific ailment and give them a warm environment to recover in. We give them a home to call theirs.

A short-term stay is made available:

If you are going out of the country for a short period of time,.

Business or pleasure trip.


If the elderly are suffering from certain ailments that need short-term observation and care,.